Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Ecological Model And Me

There are two domains that held a strong connection during my adolescence years. Lets start with the least of these and that was church. Not sliding church or saying that it is not important, just saying that it was not number one as far as the strongest. Church was a good connection for me as some of my friends went there while I was going there. We grew up together and kind of look out for one another in school. This was not a big church, but there was about seven or eight of us around the same age. At one time there was a pastor that took time out for the young people and would sit down and talk to us and would answer any questions that we would have. Mom and dad still goes to this church. 

       Young people leaving churches

This is so true because at 16 I started to get out of because it was boring and did not appear to a teenager. 

The most important connection that I had growing up would have to be my family. We was a close net family till my grandmother past away. We would get together ever so often and spend time together. That was something that I look forward too. As I got older and able to drive I would go to South Carolina by self to see my cousins. When I needed someone to talk to I could always count on family. One of my cousins was a little younger than I was, but we were very close to each other. I had her back and she always had mine. She was the only one that came to me on my first wedding day and ask if this was what I really want to do. She told me that I was crazy for doing this and that it would not last longer than a year. She was close to being right. It lasted for 18 months. When she was having trouble in her life I was the one that she came to for help. We have grown apart over the last 10 years. We still talk, but not like it use to be. The other part of this strong connection is mom and dad. No matter what I can call on them even today and they would do whatever they needed to do to help or standby me or my immediate family. I am very lucky to have a great family and a great wife and kids that are always there for each other.

What do people do when they don't have a family to call on or even friends that they are close enough to trust that they can count on?

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