Thursday, October 17, 2013


Life is Good

My adolescence years were good for the most part. I have great parents that were very supportive of me and my decisions. My decisions were not always the best, but mom and dad always stood by me. They were strict when they had to be, but the one thing that I can say is that they were very structured. I knew my limits and I still tried to push them as any adolescence would. Altogether it was a great time in my life. Did a lot of things good and bad that most people would not even think about doing.

I have several good memories being a teenager. One of the best memory I have is the time that I made the Babe Ruth all star team. That was a shock that I made that team when I was 14 years old. Most of the team was made up of 15 year olds. We won the district and regions and played in the state finals that year. Later that year I got my drivers license and a Toyota pick up truck. That was the start of many fun times in my life. I was 16 and had a truck and was ready to go cursing on Friday and Saturday nights. What fun we had running around as a teenager. No cares in the world but sports, girls and rock n roll. As teenagers in Morristown we had a rout that everyone would curse on the weekend. We would go from the east end of town from what was at that time Sky City to the west side of town to a sinking rink called Twilight. There was so many cars that it would take 45 minutes to an hour just to circle the sinking rink. Another best memory of that time would have to be the drag racing. They just built the west industrial park and there was a straight away that was just over a quarter of a mile. There would be at least one or two races every weekend. We would start racing and the law would show up and everybody would scramble. My friend had a 69 Nova with a 427 big block that would flat move on in the quarter. Good times and a lot of fun.

 Around my 17 birthday I went to my first rock concert. It was a great show I got to see Marshal Tucker and 38 special at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. From that point on I became a concert junkie. I had the privilege of seeing some of the top names in rock. My most memorable show was the 1982 Ozzy Ozbourn diary of a madman tour. The stage was like a castle and Randy Rhoads, the lead guitarist was killed the next day in a plane crash. One of the wildest show that I got to see was Judas Priest and Kiss on the same bill. I would have to say that Ted Nugent was the loudest show that I ever attended. The best all around show for music and performance would have to be REO Speedwagon. I have seen them five times over the years. These are memories that I will always cherish for the rest of my life.
                   1982 Ozzy concert footage  
Worst Memories
I really don't have many memories that are that bad. The worst memory that I have from a teenager's stand point was when I found my grandmother dead. She was seventy-six years old and had congestive heart failure. She had just gone to bed and I need the heating pad. I went into her room and she would not answer me so I turned on the light and saw that she was not breathing. I know that it was quick and she did have to suffer for a long time. A funny story that was my worst memory for awhile, but now I can look back and laugh about it. this happened my sophomore year in high school. Two of my friends and me decided that we were going to the drive in that show xxx rated movies. Well you know that teenage boys have to have their beer and liquor. This was I night that I had way too many. After we left the movies we stopped at McDonalds where all the kids hung out. I was so messed up that I didn't really know where I was. I could smell the fries and wanted some of them. As I was ordering the fries I felt the need to pee so I unzipped my pants and pee on the counter at McDonalds in front of a cop. Needless to say I got a free ride in the cop car and mom and dad got the phone call. Wasn't a good day or two around the house, but everything work out for the good.

 I was very lucky that I had the mom and dad that I had. They was always there for me when I needed someone to talk too. Even when I did crazy thing or went to crazy places they stood by me. They raised me in church and I knew right from wrong, but I needed to do my own thing and I did. There was I time that I had some adults saying that I was a devil worshipper, because I had long hair and listen to heavy metal music. Mom and dad stood by my side and told them people to mind their own business. Mom and Dad hated the music that I listen to but they wasn't going to let somebody jump on their kid. I can say that I was blessed to have the parents that I have.            
Here is an interesting article that is good in content with some interesting feedback with it.
If I could make any changes to my adolescence years I would have change the fact that I didn't try hard enough in school. I didn't realize how important school was at the time I was in school. There is one other thing I would defiantly not do and that is get married at the age of 17. That marriage was done out of the fact we were getting out of school and it seem like the a fun thing to do because we could stay with each other and party and not have to deal with parents. Outside of those few things there is nothing that I would change except going to more concerts and go into the coast guard which that is what I should have done.


Wonder how different my life would have been if I had followed though with my baseball and went to college and did the try outs with the Cincinnati Reds like they wanted me too. The other question is how different would things be if I had went into the coast guard.

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