Sunday, October 20, 2013


The Eight Stages of Psychosocial
Erik Erikson was a well rounded person. He studied psychoanalysis and received a certificate in that field. Later he became a teacher and had a small practice in child psychoanalysis. He met Sigmund Freud at a party and became a patient of his wife. Sigmund and Erik am sure had a lot to talk about. Erik believed in Freud's theory, but took it a step farther then what Freud did. Erik's theory covered all of life and became known as the Psychosocial crisis stages. Erik went on to write many books and won the Pulitzer Prize and a national Book Award for his book called Gandhi's Truth.
             ____NAME                                                                         AGE          

Stage 1  Trust vs. Mistrust                                                     Birth to one year

The infant will develop a trust with it's mom and dad and feel like the world is a safe place. An infant that doesn't develop that trust because the mom will show constancy or give the infant an secure feel then the infant will show signs of thinking that world is an unstable place and have fear.

Stage 2 Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt                                 Early childhood  Toddler

Having control is the main focus on this. Erik feels that toilet training is the best way to accomplish this. A child feels they control their choice of toys, food and clothing. When a child completes this then he feels a sense of control, secure and confident. Those who don't feel a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt.
Stage 3 Initiative vs. Guilt                                                    Preschool

Children beginning to take some control and use their power in directing play and interacting with others. A child that has completed this task should become a leader or will have good leader skills. A child that has trouble in this task will likely become one that has issues of doubt and no initiative.

Stage 4  Industry vs. Inferiority                                            Early school approximately age 5 to 11

Children begin to build their pride in what they do or accomplish though being socially interacting. Children that are driven or encouraged to do good build confidence in their abilities. Children that don't receive that encouragement being to doubt their abilities.

Stage 5 Identity vs. Role Confusion                                        Adolescent 

Children begin to develop an independence and direction. Children that are encouraged to do this will come out with strong independence and control. Children that don't get the encouragement will become confused and unsure about themselves.

Stage 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation                                               Young adult

This is when young people begin to explore relationships in their lives. Erikson said that it was important that people develop committed relationships with other people. The ones that are successful at doing this will have relationships that become secure and lasting. The ones that don't develop a committed relationship tend to deal with depression and loneness.

Stage 7 Generativity vs. Stagnation                                      Mid-adult 

This is a stage of focusing on our career and family. The ones that accomplish this stage will feel that they contributed to the world and their community. The ones that don't accomplishes this stage will  feel unproductive and uninvolved in the world.

Stage 8 Integrity vs. Despair                                                    Late adult

This stage is about looking back on our past life. The ones that can look back and are proud of their life will feel a sense of accomplishments. The ones that can't look back and feel good about their past life will feel a sense of failure.      



Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Ecological Model And Me

There are two domains that held a strong connection during my adolescence years. Lets start with the least of these and that was church. Not sliding church or saying that it is not important, just saying that it was not number one as far as the strongest. Church was a good connection for me as some of my friends went there while I was going there. We grew up together and kind of look out for one another in school. This was not a big church, but there was about seven or eight of us around the same age. At one time there was a pastor that took time out for the young people and would sit down and talk to us and would answer any questions that we would have. Mom and dad still goes to this church. 

       Young people leaving churches

This is so true because at 16 I started to get out of because it was boring and did not appear to a teenager. 

The most important connection that I had growing up would have to be my family. We was a close net family till my grandmother past away. We would get together ever so often and spend time together. That was something that I look forward too. As I got older and able to drive I would go to South Carolina by self to see my cousins. When I needed someone to talk to I could always count on family. One of my cousins was a little younger than I was, but we were very close to each other. I had her back and she always had mine. She was the only one that came to me on my first wedding day and ask if this was what I really want to do. She told me that I was crazy for doing this and that it would not last longer than a year. She was close to being right. It lasted for 18 months. When she was having trouble in her life I was the one that she came to for help. We have grown apart over the last 10 years. We still talk, but not like it use to be. The other part of this strong connection is mom and dad. No matter what I can call on them even today and they would do whatever they needed to do to help or standby me or my immediate family. I am very lucky to have a great family and a great wife and kids that are always there for each other.

What do people do when they don't have a family to call on or even friends that they are close enough to trust that they can count on?


Life is Good

My adolescence years were good for the most part. I have great parents that were very supportive of me and my decisions. My decisions were not always the best, but mom and dad always stood by me. They were strict when they had to be, but the one thing that I can say is that they were very structured. I knew my limits and I still tried to push them as any adolescence would. Altogether it was a great time in my life. Did a lot of things good and bad that most people would not even think about doing.

I have several good memories being a teenager. One of the best memory I have is the time that I made the Babe Ruth all star team. That was a shock that I made that team when I was 14 years old. Most of the team was made up of 15 year olds. We won the district and regions and played in the state finals that year. Later that year I got my drivers license and a Toyota pick up truck. That was the start of many fun times in my life. I was 16 and had a truck and was ready to go cursing on Friday and Saturday nights. What fun we had running around as a teenager. No cares in the world but sports, girls and rock n roll. As teenagers in Morristown we had a rout that everyone would curse on the weekend. We would go from the east end of town from what was at that time Sky City to the west side of town to a sinking rink called Twilight. There was so many cars that it would take 45 minutes to an hour just to circle the sinking rink. Another best memory of that time would have to be the drag racing. They just built the west industrial park and there was a straight away that was just over a quarter of a mile. There would be at least one or two races every weekend. We would start racing and the law would show up and everybody would scramble. My friend had a 69 Nova with a 427 big block that would flat move on in the quarter. Good times and a lot of fun.

 Around my 17 birthday I went to my first rock concert. It was a great show I got to see Marshal Tucker and 38 special at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. From that point on I became a concert junkie. I had the privilege of seeing some of the top names in rock. My most memorable show was the 1982 Ozzy Ozbourn diary of a madman tour. The stage was like a castle and Randy Rhoads, the lead guitarist was killed the next day in a plane crash. One of the wildest show that I got to see was Judas Priest and Kiss on the same bill. I would have to say that Ted Nugent was the loudest show that I ever attended. The best all around show for music and performance would have to be REO Speedwagon. I have seen them five times over the years. These are memories that I will always cherish for the rest of my life.
                   1982 Ozzy concert footage  
Worst Memories
I really don't have many memories that are that bad. The worst memory that I have from a teenager's stand point was when I found my grandmother dead. She was seventy-six years old and had congestive heart failure. She had just gone to bed and I need the heating pad. I went into her room and she would not answer me so I turned on the light and saw that she was not breathing. I know that it was quick and she did have to suffer for a long time. A funny story that was my worst memory for awhile, but now I can look back and laugh about it. this happened my sophomore year in high school. Two of my friends and me decided that we were going to the drive in that show xxx rated movies. Well you know that teenage boys have to have their beer and liquor. This was I night that I had way too many. After we left the movies we stopped at McDonalds where all the kids hung out. I was so messed up that I didn't really know where I was. I could smell the fries and wanted some of them. As I was ordering the fries I felt the need to pee so I unzipped my pants and pee on the counter at McDonalds in front of a cop. Needless to say I got a free ride in the cop car and mom and dad got the phone call. Wasn't a good day or two around the house, but everything work out for the good.

 I was very lucky that I had the mom and dad that I had. They was always there for me when I needed someone to talk too. Even when I did crazy thing or went to crazy places they stood by me. They raised me in church and I knew right from wrong, but I needed to do my own thing and I did. There was I time that I had some adults saying that I was a devil worshipper, because I had long hair and listen to heavy metal music. Mom and dad stood by my side and told them people to mind their own business. Mom and Dad hated the music that I listen to but they wasn't going to let somebody jump on their kid. I can say that I was blessed to have the parents that I have.            
Here is an interesting article that is good in content with some interesting feedback with it.
If I could make any changes to my adolescence years I would have change the fact that I didn't try hard enough in school. I didn't realize how important school was at the time I was in school. There is one other thing I would defiantly not do and that is get married at the age of 17. That marriage was done out of the fact we were getting out of school and it seem like the a fun thing to do because we could stay with each other and party and not have to deal with parents. Outside of those few things there is nothing that I would change except going to more concerts and go into the coast guard which that is what I should have done.


Wonder how different my life would have been if I had followed though with my baseball and went to college and did the try outs with the Cincinnati Reds like they wanted me too. The other question is how different would things be if I had went into the coast guard.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Putting the "I" in IQ

Rating myself on the Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.
One being the lowest and five being the highest.
              Linguistic - 2                                                                                   Interpersonal - 5
              Spatial - 1                                                                                        Intrapersonal - 4

             Logical-mathematical - 4                                                                Naturalist - 4
             Musical - 2                                                                                      Spiritual/existential - 4
                                                                      Body-kinesthetic - 5      
This article in the Washington Post tells how some professors want to discount Gardner's theory and gives his response to their criticism. I liked Gardner's commit in the 7 paragraph. I think his statement is very true. you have to make learning fun for kids.   
Examples of my two highest ratings:
 I gave myself a 5 on interpersonal, because I feel that I can read a person's mood. My wife will sometimes call me a psycho, because I try to figure out her moods. I like reading peoples expressions just to see if I can understand what is going on in the world. If you sit around in a public place and watch the way people carry their self you will see all types of moods. I get accused of people watching when we go to the mall. Christmas time is the best time to people watch.
I gave myself a five on body-kinesthetic, because of all the sports that I played my entire life. I stated playing baseball at the age of five. the last game of organized ball came at the age of 42. If I could find the time I would still be playing. I love the game of baseball, so now instead of playing I am coaching a 9 and 10 year old team. Baseball is not the only game that I played growing up. I played football till I was a junior in high school. I gave up football to focus on baseball. I love the trill of competition. I personally think that competition is good for a young person. I believe that sports gives a young person advantage in life. Sports will help kids understand how important it is to work together. I think kids need to learn this, because this world is full of self-centered people.

I wonder how many people would look at their lives different and try to be more out going in what they love to do after taking the Gardner's test?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Family of Origin

Where Our Family Came From:

I am a mix of Irish, Scottish and Dutch decedents. On mom's side of the family our tree was traced back to three brothers that came over from Ireland in the 1600's. They settled in the low country of South Carolina. Two of the brothers moved from the low country to the area that later became known as Spartanburg. On my dad's side the tree goes back to a Irish Scottish descent. There has been several attempts to do a family tree, but it really never got off the ground. I remember my grandmother talking about the spelling of our last name changing after our ancestors settled in this country. some of the family says that there was two groups that came to the new world at the same time. One family stayed in South Carolina and the other went north to what is known as Virginia today.

My Immediate Family Members:

There was only three members of my immediate family. There was my mom and dad and they were married for five years before I came along. I have no brothers or sisters, so I was the only shot at carrying the name sake on that is connected to my dad. My wife and I have seven children. We have four daughters and three sons. So I believe that the name sake will live another generation or more.

Where I Lived and Grew-up:

I lived in Spartanburg till I was three years old. Dad got transferred to Morristown and that is where I grew up. I lived on the east side of Hamblen county for all of my childhood and teenage years. When I played ball it was teams that represented the east side of the county. I remember that there was a big rival between both sides of town. The west side of town was where most of the rich people in Hamblen county lived, but it was also where most of the blacks lived. There was a lot of racial tension between the east side of town and the west side of town. My sophomore year in high school the school board wanted to build a mega high school and combined both schools. That did not set well with the students and to protest this move all the students from East High walked out of school and down the middle of the main highway. It was pretty cool to see all the students band together to make a point. That was nearly thirty-three years ago and there is still two high schools and no mega school, I lived in Morristown till I was in my thirty's and now live close to North Carolina, but in Tennessee.

My Heritage

I really don't know how to pin point our family heritage. I would say the biggest thing that has been pass down from mom's side of the family would have to be the fact that most family members have very curly hair. This trait was pass along to our daughter, so the heritage of curly hair will carry along for at least one more generation. Other things that might fall in the heritage category in our family would have to be the fact that my grandfather and great grandfather were known as the king of moonshine in Spartanburg county. When my grandmother was still alive we use to have big family dinners around Thanksgiving and sometime in the spring and all my family on mom's side would get together and fellowship. The one piece of heritage that came from dad's side would have to be the fact that dad and his brother are great in woodworking. It doesn't seem like there is much heritage in our family, but you get outside the immediate members and there is not much communication between each other.

I found this web page loaded with all kinds of information on world heritage. The map on this page was interesting with what they had listed as a area with world heritage value.

My Cultures

Most of my cultures come out the south. I love southern cooking such barbeque, fried potatoes, and apple pies. We live in the bible belt, so mom and dad made sure I grew up in church. I would consider playing baseball and football as part of my culture. Hunting and fishing is a part of the southern culture that I love. Part of the culture that most southern raised citizens have is our own way of saying certain words. Outside of the typical southern culture that I was raised with, I believe that part of my culture came from music. The type of music that I grew-up listen too and loved was hard and heavy metal music. This was not typical southern raised music.


Now that we have looked at our family and discussed some of our heritage, culture, and places growing-up, lets think about this question.
How much does heritage, culture and where we live play in how we look at things as we get older?


Sunday, September 22, 2013

My early years

I was born on October 18, 1965 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. There has not been to many stories told about my birth. The one thing that has always been told was the fact that my mother was not suppose to be able to get pregnant. Well guess what, the doctor was wrong. Around 4:00 on the morning of October 18 I appeared. There was a happy couple on that day in Spartanburg.


         Spartanburg General 



According to my mom, I was around 14-15 months when I began to walk. She said that there was really no stories about me beginning to walk. The one story that she did tell me about was when I started to crawled. We lived on a dead end street in Spartanburg and mom said that she was outside hanging clothes on the clothes line. She had left me laying on a blanket and when she turned around I had crawled out into the road. I guess I'm lucky that it was a dead end road and was during the 60's, because today a parent would go to jail for that.

Mom said that I was slow when it came to talking. She did say that when I started I did not know when to be quiet. Mom said that I was about 11-12 months old when I started talking. Mom said that we would go to my grandmothers house and she would ask if I was ever going to talk, but after I started talking my grandmother would say that she wished I would be quiet for awhile. I laugh about it today, because my wife says that I never met a stranger.

                      MY BEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY
There were two memories that stuck out in my mind when seen the question about the best childhood memory. The first would have to be the time dad and I was fishing on Cherokee lake and I caught a 12 pound rock fish. I was 10 years old when I caught that fish. Fishing was the one thing that my dad and I did all the time. It seem like we went every weekend and after he got off work during the week. The other memory that I calm as rating the best was when we won the state little league tournament. That happen when I was 11 years old. I played catcher and was a pitcher on that team. 
I thought that this was funny, because I didn't want to remember my trips to the dentist.

                    MY WORST CHILDHOOD MEMORY

The worst childhood memory that I can recall is the death of my dog. I had this dog for around nine years when it was killed by another dog. This dog was my best friend and went everywhere I went in the neighborhood. As kids we had a little gang that roamed all over the neighborhood and my dog was the mascot. I was about 11 years old when he was attacked by a bigger dog and was killed.


The earliest memory of my childhood that I can remember is when I was about 3 years old and we lived in Spartanburg. I remember playing outside with our next door neighbor's son. He was the same age that I was and I do remember his name. I often wonder what is doing and where he is living.


How would my life be different if we had stayed in Spartanburg my entire childhood?